Configuration Settings can be managed in Application Configuration. These settings can also be edited directly in the config.php file.
The title of the application to be used in the browser. Default is false.
The default timezone to use. If not set, the server timezone will be used. Possible values are located here:
If users are allowed to register new accounts. Default is false.
The email address of the main application administrator
Whether or not any emails are sent out of Booked Scheduler
Default language for all users. This can be any language in the Booked Scheduler lang directory
The full public URL to the root of this instance of Booked Scheduler. This should be the Web directory which contains files like schedule.php and calendar.php. If this value starts with //, then the protocol (http vs https) will be automatically detected.
The physical directory to store images. This directory will need to be writable (755 suggested). This can be the full directory or relative to the Booked Scheduler root directory.
The URL where uploaded images can be viewed from. This can be the full URL or relative to $conf[‘settings’][‘script.url’].
Whether or not templates are cached. It is recommended to set this to true, as long as tpl_c is writable
Whether or not a local version of javascript libraries files should be used. If set to false, the files will be served from a CDN. It is recommended to set this to false to improve performance and bandwidth usage. Default is false.
Whether or not captcha image security is enabled during user account registration
Whether or not a user will be required to activate their account by email before logging in.
Whether or not users will be automatically subscribed to all emails upon registration.
Whether or not admins will be notified upon new user registration.
Number of minutes before an inactive user is logged out. Leave this blank to use the server default. If set, you must also configure the
The full path to the directory to be used to store PHP session data. The user or group running PHP (typically apache) must have full read/write access to this directory.
Display format for first name and last name. Default is ‘{first} {last}’ .
If the password reset functionality should be disabled. Default is false.
Where the user will be redirected when the logo is clicked. Default is the user’s homepage.
Where the user will be redirected after being logged out. Default is the login page.
Where the user will be redirected when clicking help. Default is the Booked help documentation.
The default homepage to use when new users register 1 = Dashboard, 2 = Schedule, 3 = My Calendar, 4 = Resource Calendar. Default is 1 (Dashboard)
The first day of the week to use for calendars. Default is 0 (Sunday)
Use user-specific, administrator-defined colors for reservations. Default is false.$conf['settings']['schedule']['show.inaccessible.resources']
Whether or not resources that are not accessible to the user are displayed in the schedule
The format of what to display for the reservation slot on the Bookings page. Available tokens are listed in the Available Label Tokens section.
If blocked periods should be hidden on the bookings page. Default is false.
If set, a new or updated indicator will show on the reservation label for the duration after a reservation is created or updated. Default is none.
Whether or not week numbers are shown on the schedule. Default is false.
Whether or not check in/out icons are shown on the schedule. Default is false.
If you want to allow calendar subscriptions, set this to a difficult to guess value. If nothing is set then calendar subscriptions will be disabled.
The number of days into the future to show on ics feeds. Default is 30.
The number of days into the past to show on ics feeds. Default is 0.
If non-authenticated users can view the booking schedules. Default is false.
If non-authenticated users can view reservation details. Default is false.
If non-administrators can view personal information about other users. Default is false.
If non-administrators can view reservation details. Options are true, false, past, current, future. Default is false.
Whether or not to allow non-registered users to reserve. Default is false.
When reservations can be created or edited. Options are future, current, none. Future means reservations cannot be created or modified if the starting time of the selected slot is in the past. Current means reservations can be created or modified if the ending time of the selected slot is not in the past. None means that there is no restriction on when reservations can be created or modified. Default is future.
Whether or not updates to reservations which have previously been approved require approval again. Default is false.
Whether or not users should be prevented from adding and inviting others to a reservation. Default is false.
Whether or not users should be prevented creating recurring reservations. Default is false.
Whether or not users can be reminded about their reservations via email. This requires the reminders job to be running. Default is false.
Whether or not non-registered users can be invited to reservations. Default is false.
Whether or not users can be notified of time slot availability. This requires the wait list job to be running. Default is false.
The amount of time before a reservation starts that someone can check into it. Default is 5 minutes.
The default start reminder for reservations. The format is # interval. For example, 10 minutes, 1 hours, 4 days. Default is empty.
The default end reminder for reservations. The format is # interval. For example, 10 minutes, 1 hours, 4 days. Default is empty.
Whether or not the title of a reservation is required when creating or updating reservations. Default is false.
Whether or not the description of a reservation is required when creating or updating reservations. Default is false.
Whether or not the a reason must be provided when cancelling a reservation. Default is false.
The maximum number of concurrent reservations each user can have. Setting this to 0 allows unlimited concurrent reservations for a user.
Whether or not to show resources, time, and dates on the reservation save confirmation message. Default is false.
The maximum number of resources to show as a checklist when making a reservation. More resources will change to a filterable dropdown. Default is 30.
If true, the maximum number of invitees will be limited to the resource capacity. Default is false.
If meeting links (Zoom, manually created meetings) are available on the reservation. Default is false.
If the ‘Allow Others to Join’ reservation option is enabled by default. Default is false.
If the reservation owner can set the display color for their reservations. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all application administrators when a reservation is created. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all application administrators when a reservation is updated. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all application administrators when a reservation is deleted. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all application administrators when a reservation requires approval. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all application administrators when a reservation missed the check in time. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all application administrators when a reservation missed the check out time. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all resource and schedule administrators when a reservation is created. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all resource and schedule administrators when a reservation is updated. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all resource and schedule administrators when a reservation is deleted. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all resource and schedule administrators when a reservation requires approval. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all resource and schedule administrators when a reservation missed the check in time. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all resource and schedule administrators when a reservation missed the check out time. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all group administrators when a reservation is created. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all group administrators when a reservation is updated. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all group administrators when a reservation is deleted. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all group administrators when a reservation requires approval. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all group administrators when a reservation missed the check in time. Default is false.
Whether or not to send an email to all group administrators when a reservation missed the check out time. Default is false.
If users are allowed to attach files to reservations. Default is false.
The full or relative filesystem path (relative to the root of your Booked Scheduler directory) to store reservation attachments. This directory must be writable by PHP (755 suggested). Default is uploads/reservation
Comma separated list of safe file extensions. Leaving this blank will allow all file types (not recommended).
Database user with access to the configured database
Password for the database user
Database host URL or named pipe
Name of Booked Scheduler database
Optional path to the key file
Optional path to the certificate file
Optional path to the certificate authority file
If the certificate should be validated. Default is false
PHP email library. Options are mail, smtp, sendmail, qmail. Default is mail (inherit PHP mail settings)
SMTP host, if using smtp
SMTP port, if using smtp, usually 25
SMTP security, if using smtp. Options are ”, ssl or tls
SMTP requies authentication, if using smtp. Options are true or false
SMTP username, if using smtp
SMTP password, if using smtp
Path to sendmail, if using sendmail
Name of authentication plugin to use. For more on plugins, see Plugins below
Name of authorization plugin to use. For more on plugins, see Plugins below
Name of permission plugin to use. For more on plugins, see Plugins below
Name of prereservation plugin to use. For more on plugins, see Plugins below
Name of postreservation plugin to use. For more on plugins, see Plugins below
If you are running an installation or upgrade, you will be required to provide a value here. Set this to any random value.
If the configuration management page should be available to application administrators. Default is true.
If the Booked Scheduler’s RESTful API should be enabled. Default is false.
Whether or new user registration is available through the API. Default is false.
If reCAPTCHA should be used instead of the built in captcha. Default is false.
Your reCAPTCHA public key. Visit to sign up.
Your reCAPTCHA private key. Visit to sign up.
reCAPTCHA version to use. Options are 2 or 3. Default is 2.
The email address to use as the ‘from’ address when sending emails. If emails are bouncing or being marked as spam, set this to an email address with your domain name. For example, This will not change the ‘from’ name or the reply-to address.
The friendly name to use as the ‘from’ address when sending emails.
If non-administrators can access usage reports. Default is false.
If false, all levels of administrators are able to able to access reports. Default is false.
Minimum number of letters required for user passwords. Default is 6.
Minimum number of numbers required for user passwords. Default is 0.
Whether user passwords require a combination of upper and lower case letters. Default is false.
The format of what to display in the summary field for ics feeds. Available tokens are listed in the Available Label Tokens section. Default is title.
The format of what to display in the summary field for your personal ics feeds. Available tokens are listed in the Available Label Tokens section. Default is title.
The format of what to display in the description field for ics feeds. Available tokens are listed in the Available Label Tokens section. Default is description.
The format of what to display in the description field for your personal ics feeds. Available tokens are listed in the Available Label Tokens section. Default is description.
The format of what to display in the description field for rss/atom feeds. Available tokens are listed in the Available Label Tokens section. Default is description.
The format of what to display for the reservation label on the My Calendar page. Available tokens are listed in the Available Label Tokens section.
The format of what to display for the reservation label on the Resource Calendar page. Available tokens are listed in the Available Label Tokens section.
The format of what to display in reservation popups. Possible values are {name} {dates} {duration} { title} {resources} {participants} {accessories} {description} {phone} {email} {attributes} {pending}. Reservation custom attributes can be individually added using att with the attribute id. For example {att1}. Default is all information.
Your Google Analytics Tracking ID. If this is set then Google Analytics tracking code will be added to every page in Booked Scheduler.
Enables advanced security headers, such as Content Security Policy, X-Frame-Options and more. Default is false.
If users can log in to Booked Scheduler using Google. Default is false.
If the username and password fields should be hidden. Default is false.
If true, a captcha will be required to complete at login. Default is false.
If true, administrators will be able to add 3rd party OAuth providers for SSO. Default is false.
Whether or not credit functionality is enabled. Default is false.
Whether or not users can purchase credits. Credits must be enabled for this functionality to work. Default is false.
Slack verification token. If this is not set, Slack slash commands will not work.
Whether or not to allow guest reservations from the tablet view. Default is false.
Whether or not to automatically suggest emails on tablet view. Default is false.
Whether or not to require phone numbers on registration. Default is false.
Whether or not to require position on registration. Default is false.
Whether or not to require organization on registration. Default is false.
If true, the user will not be able to update their timezone. Default is false.
If true, the user will not be able to update their own profile. Default is false.
If true, the first login “getting started” screen will not be shown. Default is false.
If users must use multi-factor authentication. Default is false.
If true, Resource Maps can be used to view and book resources. Default is none.
Allow integrated payments for reservations. Default is false.
If true, unpaid reservations will be cancelled at their scheduled start time. Default is false.
If true, Booked will load any mapped configuration settings from environment variables instead of the configuration file. Default is false. See the section on Using Environment Variables below.
If using environment variables, this optional setting overrides the default .env file location. Default value is the Booked /config directory.
Available Reservation Label Tokens #
Token | Description |
{name} | Full name of reservation owner |
{title} | Reservation title |
{description} | Reservation description |
{email} | Email address of reservation owner |
{phone} | Phone number of reservation owner |
{organization} | Organization of reservation owner |
{position} | Position of reservation owner |
{startdate} | Reservation start date and time |
{enddate} | Reservation end date and time |
{resourcename} | Name of resource(s) reserved |
{participants} | List of reservation participants |
{invitees} | List of reservation participants |
{reservationAttributes} | List of all non-blank reservation custom attributes |
{fname} | Owner first name |
{lname} | Owner last name |
{daterange} | Full date range for the reservation duration |
{starttime} | Start time (no date) of reservation |
{endtime} | End time (no date) of reservation |
{timerange} | The start to end time (no date) of reservation |
{cost} | Total cost of reservation |
{accessories} | The list of accessories booked with this reservation |
Custom attributes can be added using att with the attribute id. For example {att1}
Leave it blank for no label. Any combination of tokens can be used.
Using Environment Variables #
By default, all Booked configuration settings are stored in the config.php file. When use.env.settings
is set to true, Booked will use the config file as a map to an environment variable. This can be used to remove sensitive values from text files.
Any configuration setting can be mapped to an environment variable using a simple format of :env:ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME
. For example, to read the database password ($conf['settings']['database']['password']
) from an environment variable named BOOKED_DATABASE_PASSWORD
, the value of the configuration setting would be :env:BOOKED_DATABASE_PASSWORD
$conf['settings']['database']['password'] = ':env:BOOKED_DATABASE_PASSWORD';
Not all settings must be read from an environment variable. If a configuration setting is not mapped to an environment variable, it will simply continue to be read from the config.php file.
When use.env.settings
is enabled, the option to edit Booked configuration settings through the UI will no longer be available.