Booked Scheduler FAQs
How much does Booked cost?
$12/month USD if paid annually, otherwise $15/month USD. We can charge you monthly, quarterly, annually, or pretty much any other term you’d like.
What payment methods do you accept?
All major credit cards, PayPal, check, bank transfer, or purchase order. If you need a quote, just ask!
What’s included with Booked Cloud?
We set you up with the latest version of Booked on secure infrastructure, apply all upgrades automatically, and provide unlimited support. There is no limit to the number of users, resources, schedules or anything else. You’ll also get access to new features before anyone else.
I’m a non-profit, do you offer any discounts?
At this time we do not offer any discounts of any kind.
Why is it so cheap?
We have a wonderful relationship with Brickhost who has helped us streamline all aspects of hosting. Please consider Brickhost for your hosting and IT support needs.
I’m already running Booked or phpScheduleIt on site. Can I move my data to the hosted version?
Absolutely. We’ll guide you through the migration process at no charge.
Can I have FTP or SSH access to the server? How about the database?
No, one of the ways we keep Booked Cloud costs so inexpensive is having tight control over all hardware and software. Booked does have a powerful API that can be used for automated data access.
Can I use Active Directory, LDAP or SAML for authentication?
Yes! We can integrate directly against your Active Directory or LDAP server. We can also use federated authentication like SAML or Shibboleth.
What happens when I cancel my account?
You own your data and can request an export of it at any time. Upon cancellation we will send you a copy and completely delete all of your account information.
Can I get a trial period longer than 30 days?
We only offer trial periods of 30 days, but you can explore the feature set on the live demo at any time.
What happens at the end of my trial period?
We hope that you love our service and sign up for a hosting plan. If you do not sign up at the end of your trial period all of your data is permanently deleted.
Is the hosted site secure?
Yes, SSL encryption is enabled by default for data in transit. We also encrypt data at rest.
Do you perform backups?
Yes, we perform nightly backups of your account.
Is there a minimum hosting term?
The shortest hosting period is 1 month.
Do you have an acceptable use policy?
You can find our hosting acceptable use policy here.
Do you have an SLA guarantee?
You can find our hosting service level agreement policy here.
Do you have a privacy policy?
You can find our privacy policy here.
My organization requires a security questionnaire to be completed. Will you provide this?
We can likely accommodate this request. Please contact us directly with your request.
Do you offer a GDPR compliant solution?
Yes, when signing up for your free trial please pick the GDPR option.
I have an existing instance of Booked on my server. Can I migrate to a hosted instance?
Yes. The process is straightforward and typically takes less than an hour.
- Create a zip or tar archive of the Booked directory from your web server
- Export your current Booked database in SQL format. phpMyAdmin and mysqldump both support SQL exports
- If planning to use an existing subdomain, update the DNS A record to point to our servers