I’m excited to announce the release of Booked 2.10.1! Just in time for Valentine’s Day, this release introduces Resource Relationships 🙂
This new feature allows administrators to set rules on which resources can and cannot be reserved together. Let’s dig into that. From the Resource Management tool you have 3 new options for each resource.

You can set a requirement that certain resources always be reserved together, which means a reservation for one resource will be rejected unless all required resources are part of the reservation.
You can also set the opposite rule, meaning a reservation will be rejected if a resource is being reserved with another resource.
The final option limits which resources cannot be booked at the same time, regardless of whether or not they are part of the same reservation.
A note about our next release
The next release of Booked is going to be a big one, including our first UI refresh in almost 5 years. With the amount of changes, it is likely that we won’t have any releases again for at least a few months unless a security issue is identified. Hang with us, it’s going to be worth it.
Ohhhh, sounds very excising. Any previews 🙂
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